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Earth Bound Page 2

  Trust your instincts. What do they tell you?

  I looked closer at the panther trying to gage her intentions, but no malice seemed to emanate from her direction. So after a moment, I allowed myself to relax for the most part. Not fully though. I kept one little guard wall up, just in case.

  Walk with me a moment Drifter. There is something I want you to see…

  I followed the panther through the forest and still kept a wary eye on her. But soon, the trees began to thin out and fade away. And as they did, I found my eyes drawn towards the horizon. The forest had opened up to a beautiful sandy beach. Dawn was just breaking and it lit up the sky over the ocean with breathtaking color.

  Purple, pink, yellow, blue, orange... So many colors...Amazing!

  You're excited Drifter. This is your first sunrise, yes? They really are something. Aren’t they. She sighed contentedly and began to stroll leisurely out towards the water. I followed. The breeze slammed against me, stinging my cheeks, and whipped my hair wildly about my face. I could smell the salty braine of the ocean spray. Seagulls called somewhere to the right of us, but my eyes were still glued on the sunrise. We stopped when our feet hit wet sand. As the water rushed in and out of shore it hit and swirled coldly around our ankles. It was so soothing... it passified my soul.

  You'll see many more of these Raina. Like many things on this planet, sunrise and sunset run on a cycle. The panther began to speak in a slow relaxing cadence that drew me in and captured my attention. Everything is about balance. Light, dark, rain or shine, and even life and death. It all works together in a wonderful dance that keeps repeating. Even me. I am part of that balance too. Yes, I am going to eat that stag. And, in return, it will help me live...Then, one day, I will die and give life to something else. She looked up at me then, her gold eyes drew my gaze to her. When a Volcano destroys a valley, what do you think happens to that valley?

  "What happens?" I whispered, my voice urged her on..

  The valley becomes extremely fertile and fresh new life springs up. See it’s all part of the same balance. As a Drifter, you're responsible to help keep this balance going, keep the dance of life going. I looked away from the the panther again and gazed out at the ocean.

  What if I don’t want that kind of responsibility?

  "What is your name?" I inquired instead.

  The panther seemed to smile knowingly, it's whiskers curling slightly.

  Jade. she answered.

  "Can I pet you Jade?" I asked because I couldn't help it. Her fur glistened so beautifully it had to feel amazing too.

  Jade nodded once and rubbed her soft side against mine. I smiled as I ran my palm lightly over her back. A strange rumbling sound came from deep within her chest and her whole body seemed to vibrate from.

  "What's that?" I asked in wander.

  Cats purr when they're happy. She explained like she was teaching a child. It was comforting.

  Like what having a mom must feel like...

  "Oh. I like it….” I said, clearing my throat. It felt tight for some reason. “Um, Jade? Can we be friends?" I asked.

  Sure, Drifter. She answered and it sounded like the thought pleased her.

  Suddenly a gasp escaped my throat and I jumped back out of the water. "Something touched me!" I squeeked.

  Jade laughed and nodded her head towards the water.

  Just a school of Pink goldfish. They must have recognized you too.

  My cheeks flushed with warmth and I have to admit, I felt kind of foolish. No longer afraid, I knelt down beside the water and took a good look at them. They were tiny, about the size of a decent pebble. Their scales shimmered a beautiful pink and gold combo. Their fins were long, wispy, and fragile.

  Everything here is so beautiful…I thought.

  "What do they want?" I asked.

  Maybe they're hungry? Jade offered.

  "So how would I feed them? I have no food." I could hear the skepticism in my own voice.

  Place your right finger into the water... Jade instructed. I did what she said and all the fish circled around my finger...waiting. Nothing was happening.

  "Now what?"

  Concentrate...She urged. I want you to will them food.

  "What? How do I will something?”

  Well, you are connected to this planet and she is connected to you. So try to focus your energy on creating food for them. Her energy is tied to yours, it should flow right through you.

  I closed my eyes, took a few steadying breaths, and pictured food flowing from my finger. At first, nothing happened and I began to feel very foolish. Is she playing a trick on me? Do they really want food, or are they just looking up at me like I'm an idiot? Then, after a few more seconds, I felt a strange tickling sensation that made me giggle. So I opened my eyes. My jaw dropped. Out of my finger had sprouted a vine of seaweed! Real life sea weed! The little pink fish were eating off of my finger and it tickled.

  "This is so cool!" My grin was so wide it barely fit on my face.

  Yeah it is. Jade agreed. And the best part is, you can do that with anything. You just will it and your body will provide it.

  “Show me more please!” I bugged and looked down at Jade with a silent plea.

  Jade sighed and shook her head sadly.

  I can't. I'm sorry. I have three little cubs back home and a stag to bring them. I have to get back. My smile faded slightly and I reached up to scratch behind her ear and listen to her purr. I didn’t want her to go.

  "Goodbye Jade.” I whispered.” Thank you for everything."

  She smiled that weird cat smile again.

  You're welcome. Good bye Raina. Be safe. She said and started strolling back towards the forest. About half way there she paused and turned back. Oh and remember...Not all beings are as nice as I am…

  "I'm not afraid," I shouted as I watched her walk away. My head held high. I just fed a school of fish off my finger! So much power runs through these veins. I can face anything.

  Don’t get too carried away Raina. There are things out there bigger than you. I know, I created them. Father warned.

  I know father. I just feel so ALIVE!

  Alive is good. Hey...Why don’t you go see what else you can do?

  My eyes sparked with mischief and my smile was luminous.

  Oh this is going to be fun…

  Chapter Three

  Powerful Fun

  I took off. My toes dug into the soft squishy sand as I ran. I went as fast as my two legs could carry me. Pushing my stamina to its breaking point. The world zoomed by me in a wave of color; green to my right where the forest grew, and blue to my left where the ocean stretched out beyond the horizon. But no matter how long I ran, I never seemed to run out of energy. It was like an endless supply flowed through my system. Eventually I got bored with running. So I turned to the ocean with a grin.

  I love the feel of the water. I could feel it's pulsing energy as the tide flowed in and out, in and out. Another beautiful pattern that has repeated since the dawn of time. Closing my eyes, I focused on that energy. Felt it rushing back and forth against the sand. As it moved out it carried away pieces of sand and debris from the beach. As it moved back in it brought with it treasures from the sea. A give and take, well balanced relationship.

  Then I sent my own energy out towards it. I could feel the invisible electric current flow from my palms and connect with the energy of the water. It almost felt like I was grabbing the water and running it through my fingers. I could even feel the coolness of it on my skin even though, logically, I wasn't touching it. I concentrated harder. Using my energy to lift the water into the air. I felt the liquid rising and a slow smile of satisfaction spread across my face.

  Very careful to keep in tune with the energy flowing from my hands, I opened my eyes. Glistening spirals of water was rising like arched fountains into the sky.

  “Amazing!” I breathed. I can't believe I'm actually doing this!

  First I slowly moved my hands to the right and wat
ched the water turn in that direction. My smile grew wider. Then I turned my hands to the left and the water moved that way. I was beaming now. I need more… I focused harder sending at least twelve different fountains of water shooting into the air. Then I began to move my hands in smooth dancing circles. The water swayed and danced and swirled at my command. Each crystal spring of water caught in the morning sunlight and shimmered a beautiful green and yellow with just a sparkle of pink around the tips.

  I wonder how high I can make them go… So I lifted the water into the air. The more I pushed it up into the sky though, the heavier the energy felt. Still I pushed harder. My muscles literally trembled from the tension as I lifted my arms towards the heavens.

  Finally when they had reached high enough that I could feel the condensation from the clouds, I let go. My energy flowed back into me in a crushing rush. The water I had forced into the sky came raining back down onto the ocean and all over me. I gasped from it's frigidness but I couldn't stop smiling.

  “I can make water dance!” I exclaimed triumphantly.

  Since I was already wet I decided to go for a walk in the ocean. The water was cold but refreshing as it wrapped around my thighs, then my hips, my chest... I kept walking further in. The pull of the tide making me bob back and forth and started lifting me off my feet. I felt weightless, almost like I felt in space.


  A thought suddenly occurred to me and I had to try it out. Taking a deep breath, I plunged into the ocean. It's coolness wrapped around me like a blanket. Awakening my senses. I opened my eyes and was surprised I could see as well below the water as I did above. Beautiful, colorful fish swam by in large schools. Some numbering into the hundreds. I could see the clams and muscles along the ocean floor with such detail it was amazing. I could see every line and color on each one as I swam down the embankment and further into the ocean depths.

  Oh! There’s a crab!...A giant king crab snapped at puffer fish. Who, in turn, puffed up into a balloon.

  Awe! Seahorses! About seven tiny seahorses bobbed their way along the coral at the bottom of the reef.

  Oh and starfishes!

  Eventually though, I started running out of oxygen.

  I guess it’s time to try it… Very slowly I let the last of the air out of my mouth and watched the tiny bubbles as they made a twirling rise to the surface. When my lungs were empty, I took a long slow breath. But the oxygen didn't come in through my nose it came through my neck. Surprised, I lifted my hands to trail the six little slits that ran up both sides of my neck.

  I have gills? ….I have gills! I can breathe in water! Excitement filled me to the point that I could no longer hold still. Keeping my eyes wide open so I didn't bump into anything, I ripped through the water at top speed. Swimming as fast as my human legs could carry me. I chased around some tropical fish. I ducked and dashed to avoid a stingray and a jellyfish. I could feel the electric current that ran through their bodies when I narrowly avoided a collision with them.

  Hey what’s that? A large gray blob was swimming quickly towards me. For a second I wandered it I should swim away. Then I heard it. A e.e.e.e sound that vibrated through the ocean hit me and I smiled.

  Pure white energy. What are you?

  The gray blob turned into a long thin gray mammal. With a bottle tipped nose, two little beady eyes, and a teeny tiny blow hole. It seemed to smile back as it came to a stop beside me.

  Hello Drifter. He greeted me telepathically and flapped high tail fin.

  Hello. I greeted in return. You’re a dolphin, right?

  Yep, yep, yep! He squeeked. My name is Dreyden.

  I'm Raina.

  Well Riana, would you like to go for a ride? Dreyden asked and offered me his dorsal fin. I hesitated for a moment and he chuckled like, well, like a dolphin. I'm not going to hurt you Raina. Dolphins aren’t exactly known for attacking people.

  Aren’t you afraid of me? You don’t even know me.

  I know what you are, and my instincts tell me to trust you. Are they wrong?


  Well then? He stuck his fin out closer to me and after another brief second of hesitation, I took it. The fin was smooth and warm beneath my palms. Nice...

  Hold on tight Drifter. I'm pretty fast.

  I tightened my hold as tight as I possibly could.

  Ready? one of his tiny eyes gazed back at me in question.

  I nodded.

  Dreyden pushed off at a super high speed. We traveled through the water so fast it felt like I was riding a shooting star across the ocean. After a few yards, Dreyden headed towards the surface.

  One second, I need a breath.

  He broke us through the surface with a giant splash. Then for a split second, we were suspended in thin air as we arched over the water. My stomach did summer sults as we plummeted back towards the water.Then another giant splash as we hit the surface again.

  Again! I cried, telepathically.

  Dreyden laughed at my enthusiasm and arched back towards the surface. This time when we broke through I lifted one arm out and arched with him. In and out, up and down, we dove into the ocean only to leap again into the sky. My body was finding it difficult to keep up with the motion. My stomach twisted and dove with every rise and dip we made. Soon other dolphins joined us. They matched us speed for speed. Everytime we dove or climbed they followed beside us. One pack. One team.

  Who are they? I asked.

  My family! He answered and I could hear the love he had for them in his voice. They wanted to meet the Drifter.

  I don’t understand, how does everyone know I'm a Drifter?

  It’s instinctual. Animals are in tune with nature, which means we’re also in tune with you. That, and we can smell it on you. It’s a very specific aroma. It’s familiar. Like... family... Do you want to know a secret? He asked after a moment.

  Yes. I whispered and held my head down close to his mouth as we continued to swim.

  If you wanted, you could command us all to dive and we would listen.


  Yeah really. Wanna try it?

  Yeah! What do I do?

  Just feel our energy. It’s the same energy that links us telepathically. Then send out a signal, anything you want, and see what happens.

  I was beginning to get comfortable with tapping into my energy and sending it out to link with others. So it was easy to link with the six dolphins swimming around me. I focused on fusing my energy with theirs. When it felt like we were one, I pictured us all swimming together in a full circle then shooting up to arch into the air again. Not even a second passed between my picturing it and the dolphins moving into a circular formation. Then, one by one, we all took turns leaping into the sky.

  Wow! I can’t believe that worked!

  Pretty cool huh? Most of us will obey a Drifter. He explained. Though we really do have a choice, most of us appreciate the protection you offer our world. We like to repay the favor.

  Well It’s no problem. I shrugged. I haven’t actually done anything yet.

  Don’t worry Raina, you will.

  Something dropped from the sky. Some sort of tan material with holes throughout. It fell from above and crashed down onto all five of the dolphins next to us. The two of us barely escaped by swimming quickly to the left. We jerked to a stop and circled back. The other dolphins were surrounded by the strange material and it had began to sink in around them. They were trapped.

  What is that thing?

  A net! Dreyden exclaimed. They're gonna be fish food! Then Dreyden turned to me, his gaze frantic. Do something!

  What? I don’t know what to do. I looked from Dreyden to the other five dolphins and back. My heart beat wildly and my mind was spinning.

  Think of something Raina! You have to, or they’re going to die!

  Then suddenly, it clicked. Steel determination coursed through me. I charged the net and grabbed it with one iron grip. Then I closed my eyes and willed my other hand to morph into something
strong and sharp. Something not easily broken that can cut through anything….Diamond! My hand suddenly felt ten times heavier. I opened my eyes to see my right hand and part of my wrist had transformed into a large jagged diamond shard. The net surged upward, dragging me with it.

  They’re pulling it up faster! Dreyden cried.

  I know! I gritted my teeth and began to saw at the net with all my strength. The diamond sliced through the strands of rope like they were butter. Within seconds I had the entire net cut free from the boat.

  Thanks! The dolphins squealed as a chorus and swam away. Swim away! SWim away! Not safe! Boat! Not Safe! They cried as they disappeared into the blue void. I grabbed the net, with both my hands normal again, and turned to Dreyden with a victorious gleam in my eye.

  Thank you Raina. You saved them.

  Not a problem Dreyden. I know you would have done the same for me.

  In a heartbeat. He answered and his eyes shone with warmth for me. Then slowly they grew regretful. It’s not safe to stay here. I need to go catch up with the others.

  I nodded in understanding. I didn’t want to be there anymore either. Not with the shadow of the boat still lurkey above the surface.

  I think I'm going to go explore some more.

  Dreyden nodded.

  You know, you’re always welcome to come with us.

  I smiled.

  Thanks but there is so much more I haven’t seen yet. Maybe I’ll come back here after I'm done.

  That would be great. Take care Raina. Oh and I would stay away from the boat though. Those type of mammals aren’t friendly to anyone.

  Ok. I will. And thanks for the ride. It was really something.

  Anytime Raina, anytime. He said. Then with a wave of his tail fin, he disappeared like the others.

  I wasn’t sure what was on that boat but I knew I didn't want to find out. The net had been terrifying enough for one day.

  Who would want to capture so many dolphins? I wandered. Then I shook my head. It doesn’t matter, and I don’t want to know. My gaze wandered the ocean for a moment in indecision. Then I looked down. Stretched out below me was complete darkness.