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Earth Bound Page 4

  “ you have any...clothes?” He finally managed to ask.

  “Do you mean like the wool you stole from that sheep?” I looked skeptically at the tunic he was wearing. It seemed ridiculous to me. Though, the creamy color of it did bring out the flecks of gold in his brown eyes…

  Stop it Raina, you don't even know this being. Father chidded.

  “Yes,” Malcolm chuckled lightly and rolled his eyes towards the heavens. “All my people wear clothing. I'm just a little concerned that they may find your state of undress...shocking.”

  I couldn't help it. A mischievous smile spread across my face and I said, “Do you?”

  Malcolm looked confused and flustered at the same time.


  Riana, what are you doing?

  Having a little fun…

  Riana I wouldn’t- but I wasn’t listening to him right anymore. My focus was on Malcolm.

  “Do you find my state of undress...shocking?” I rose a mocking brow across my forehead and watched as his cheeks flamed bright red. Then he smiled too and shook his head slightly.

  “No. I find it fascinating,” he answered huskily. “ You have so many colorful designs dancing along your skin,” as he spoke he stepped towards me and ran his fingers lightly down my arm, caressing the designs on my flesh. It sent tingles down my spine and warmth pooled in my stomach. So strange… “And blue?” he smirked his thumb rose to brush my cheek, “blue is my favorite color.” Now I was the one who was blushing. “However,” he continued and his hand fell back at his side, “I don't want my people to fear you because you're different. They have a tendency to do that. And you not wearing clothes might be enough to send them over the edge. If the right person goes over that edge they may attack you. If they attack you, then I'd have to kill them and there would be riots in the streets. So please, for both our sakes, put on some clothes.” I couldn't help but laugh.

  “Ok Malcolm. I will put on clothes. I just need to find som first.” It looked like a light had come on inside his head. His brown eyes flashed and then he threw up a finger.

  “I have something that might fit you,” he announced. Then, from behind his back, he drew out a brown leather bag.

  The bag was beautiful with burnt sun designs etched on the front of it and a leather strap that ran from the top of one corner across to the bottom corner so you could carry it on your back. I hadn't even notice he was carrying that. Too distracted by that smile...what's wrong with me? I inwardly shook myself to clear my head and focused on what he was doing. Malcolm had one hand inside the sack rummaging around.

  “Come on….where is it?” he grumbled digging deeper. “There it is!” he pulled out a long brown and gold cloth. The material he held wasn't wool. It looked lighter, like it would just flow over your skin if you wore it. And it shined in the sun like polished stone. He held it out to me and I carefully took it into my hands. “Oh it is so light,” I marvelled. My fingers ran gently over the material in awe.

  “It's so smooth. What is it?” I asked glancing up to catch him gazing at me with a strange light in his eyes that coiled my stomach. When he realized I was looking at him that light vanished and he smiled at me.

  “It's called silk,” he explained. “I traded another traveller a very good knife in exchange for that. Can you believe the material for it was harvested from worms?” I looked at him skeptically. “No really,” he urged.

  “Worms? Really? The crawly, slinky things in the ground that eat rot? Those worms?”

  “I don’t think it's those kind of worms specifically. I didn’t ask. But Yeah, it came from worms. At least that’s what the traveller claimed.” He shrugged.

  “Well, whatever it's made of, It’s beautiful. Thank you.” I said gazing up at him with warmth and my cheeks flushed scarlet.

  Feeling a little awkward in front of him now, I decided to duck behind a tree to put them on. The silk he gave me came apart into two pieces. The top piece was extremely short. In fact, it only covered my chest. The bottom was long and flowy. The top of it hugged my hips with two gold bands and the rest draped down my legs to sweep the forest floor. Two long slits ran up both sides, all the way up to the gold bands at my hips. It felt amazing! With all the airflow, my body didn't feel suffocated. Smiling, I walked out to show Malcolm.

  The expression on his face said it all. His eyes widened slightly in surprise before melting into an appreciative gaze that caressed me from head to toe. And a very satisfied smile stretched across his mouth.

  “You look amazing,” he said. “What do you think?” I could tell he really wanted me to like it.

  “I like it,” I answered truthfully and ran my hands down the front of my thighs. “It's so soft and light. And there is so much airflow, that I barely feel like I'm wearing clothes at all. Thank you Malcolm.”

  “You're welcome Raina. I thought it would be a good compromise.” He said with relief. “ And that's something I didn't steal from a sheep.” We laughed together. A good full laugh. Then his gaze locked with mine and the look inside those brown crystal pools was enough to steal my breath away. The laughter stopped. Malcolm reached out a hand towards me and I took a step towards him.

  “Raina I-” he trailed off. His gaze moved away from mine and I watched the color drain from his face. “Raina,” he whispered now. “ Raina don't move.”

  I wanted to kick myself. I had been too distracted by Malcolm that I didn't notice the immense hulking energy that towered behind me. I could feel it's hot breath on my neck, Its body heat wrapped around my back like a moist blanket. Even though Malcolm had said don't move, and it was probably very sound advice. It didn't matter. I felt my body turning of its own accord. I had to see what was about to eat me. I just had to.

  The beast was at least ten foot tall. It's entire body covered with thick brown fur. It stood on two feet at the moment but the arch of it's back suggested it was probably most comfortable on four. All four of which were tipped with thick black claws. It's fuzzy face had a long snout tipped with a black flat nose.

  A grizzly bear... As I watched, it opened up it's gaping mouth in a ground rumbling roar. Effectively showing off its white sharp teeth that dropped with foaming saliva.

  “Run!” Malcolm cried. His iron hand gripped my wrist and he barely managed to pull me out of the way as one of the bears massive claws swiped in my direction.

  We ran. We ran as fast as our legs could carry us but, guess what...the bear was faster. It lumbered behind us at an alarming gate. It's massive paws swiping out at intervals as it tried to catch us.

  “Keep going!” Malcolm urged pushing me on a head of him. That's when it happened. The grizzly struck out again but this time one jagged claw ripped into Malcolms tunic and caught. The force of which sent Malcolm flying through the air and into a tree. I turned back to see Malcolm sprawled beneath a spruce, his face filled with fear as the bear charged him. I didn't think, I sprang forward right into the path of the charging bear. My hands thrown up as if they could hold him off. I felt the bears solid body crash into mine. It’s paws pummeled my chests. Pain exploded through my chest as my rib cage cracked under the pressure. Another bear roar shook the forest as one of his razor sharp claws swiped across my back. The last thing I remembered was someone screaming.

  Maybe it was me...

  Chapter Seven


  I was drifting through space on a ship of clouds. The ship was large enough for a twelve man crew yet it was completely devoid of life, except mine. Each end of the ship came to a arched point that ended in a beautiful cloud swirl. Ten cloud oars extended from the ship and rotated in waves over the sky leaving trails of swipy smoke-like clouds behind them. Everywhere I looked were stars. Billions and billions of stars. Then, up ahead, I saw swirling dust clouds of multiple vibrant colors. Tiny little baby stars sparkled in the dust. A nebula. STAR BABIES! The cloud ship sailed me through the sea of stars, through the nebula, and towards a blinding white light. I had to close my ey
es against the brightness at first but slowly my sight adjusted until the light no longer hurt. What I saw left me reeling.

  There, floating in a sea of white, was a breathtaking city. The city was built upon what looked to be a giant floating rock. Marble and white gold houses glistened beneath the starlit sky and formed the majority of the city. In the center of the city, there rose a magnificent jewel encrusted palace. Crystal towers gleamed with their own inner white light. Three sparkling waterfalls fell from the top center of each tower and disappeared from view. Large yellow-gold walls stretched around the perimeter of the entire crystal city. To help protect it? The only entrance to the city was a large gate made entirely of gleaming pearls. White puffy clouds surrounded the city on all sides. But these clouds were moving at a remarkable rate. As I looked closer, I realized it was hundreds of little cloud ships just like mine. Some of them were just arriving at the city, while others were departing. Their ships traveled into the starry sky and disappeared. My own ship slowly came to dock at the harbor.

  My father stood on the dock waiting for me. His mane rippling in the wind. As soon as the ship stopped, I hopped off and rushed to him. I wrapped my arms around his thick furry neck and buried my face against his shoulder.

  “Oh father! I'm so happy to see you!”

  “It's good to see you too daughter,” he rumbled. When I pulled back, I motioned towards the city. “Where are we?” I asked.

  “This is Bliss. One of many golden cities in the spiritual dimension.”

  The spiritual dimension? That means…

  “Am I…” I trailed off as I glanced over at father. I couldn't say it. And if I am… does that mean I failed?... Is he disappointed in me?

  “Dead?” he finished for me with a smirk. “No, although you did come alarmingly close. I actually had to bring you here through the dream dimension.”

  I sighed with relief.

  “You need to be more careful Raina,” he chastised. “The earth needs you. She needs you to help ensure her balance. You can't do that if you're dead.” He sighed haggardly. “Do you know what happens if that balance is thrown off?”

  I shook my head.

  “The entire planet could die. Is that what you want?” His angry gaze raked mine and shame flushed my cheeks a bright pink. I shook my head again, unable to meet his gaze.

  “No father. I am so sorry.” I finally answered. My chest felt heavy. “I will be more careful.”

  “Just stop allowing your own curiosity to get you into trouble. You have lots of time to discover everything that’s out there. You need to remember that, even though I made you stronger, quicker, and faster healing than most, you can still die if you’re too reckless. So, just slow down and think things through.” His voice warmed as he spoke.

  He can’t stay mad at me.

  “I will father. I promise.” I finally met his warm gaze and offered him a hopeful smile.

  “Don't promise anything Raina, just try.”

  “I will. Can I come see the city?” I asked hopefully.

  “I'm sorry, you can’t.” He shook his head and his wild mane ruffled from the movement. “That would take much too long and you need to be getting back now. It’s not safe for you where you are.”

  I nodded and my father turned to go. After a few steps he glanced back at me.

  “Oh and Raina?”

  “Yes father?” I asked expectantly.

  “Be careful with that human. Mankind has always been volatile, at best.”

  I nodded again but, inside, it felt like a cobra had wrapped itself around my stomach.

  “Wait father!” I called. “What do you mean? Why is everyone so afraid of humans?”

  But it was too late, I was already fading away. My mortal body was waking up, drawing me away from him and I could no longer hear his voice. Everything blurred out of focus. The crystal city and sparkling palace melted in a blur of white washed color. I blinked my eyes to clear the fog, but it didn’t help. So I closed my eyes and rubbed them with the backs of my hands.

  ◖... ◐ ...◗

  As my eyes fluttered open, the first thing I saw was Malcolm leaning over me, his fingers at my neck trying to get a pulse. He noticed my eyes open and jumped back slightly.

  “You're awake!” he exclaimed.

  “I am now,” I murmured and struggled to sit up.

  Malcolm had to reach down and help me upright. He leaned me gently against a nearby tree. As soon as I was settled, he dropped his hands and backed away. I didn’t have time to wander too long about his actions. The effort it had taken just to sit up had fully exhausted me.

  Breathing deep and slow, I looked around at the ground in front of me. The bear was gone. About ten feet away four giant gashes ran across the forest floor. They were at least six feet wide and ran about four meters long and had completely obliterated all greenery around it. . Malcolm stood close to me and yet focused very carefully on keeping distance between us. Like I would die if he left my side but, if he got too close, I would eat him.

  “What happened?” I whispered.

  “I thought that bear had killed you,” he stated but it sounded more like an accusation. His gaze kept roaming over me like he was searching for something. I smiled, slightly shaken, and it was difficult to meet his gaze.

  I thought I had died too…

  “But I'm not dead,” I answered holding my arms out to my sides but the movement was slow and forced. “See. I'm very much alive.”

  “You don't understand Raina,” Malcolm interrupted. His eyes were huge as they locked on mine but for some reason he almost seemed angry. “I thought that bear had killed you. I watched it pummel you before it took it's jagged claws across your back. I thought surely he was about to eat you. I grabbed for my knife to face the bear when suddenly the ground started to rumble and shake. The earth split opened in four huge fissures. The frightened bear didn't have time to escape before it fell into one of those cracks. You almost fell in too but I managed to pull you away just in time.” he was breathing hard now, reliving everything as he spoke.

  “Then I carried you over here.” He motioned to the ground where I had been laying when I woke up. “You're body was drenched in blood.” His face paled again at the memory. “ I thought you were gone for sure. I turned you around so I could check your back. But the blood was no longer flowing. Confused, I took my tunic and wiped the blood away from the gashes. But the gashes weren't there. They had healed shut. All that was left was four pink scar marks that ran down your back right where the gashes were supposed to be. And those four scratch marks on your back, have an uncanny resemblance to those gashes in the earth.” His gaze swung from the ground a few yards away and back to me in question.

  “What do you think?” he asked urging me to answer. “What’s going on here Raina? Am I going crazy?”

  I wanted to give him an answer. I wanted to tell him that what he thought was right. That he wasn’t crazy. Those marks did match my back. I wanted to explain to him my connection to the earth...but I couldn't. My father's warnings kept echoing through my head.

  “I'm not sure,” I started and watched his smile melt away. “Perhaps it was just extremely poor timing for the bear?” I shrugged like it meant nothing. “Although, it's not like the poor bear could have known an earthquake was coming. But I definitely don’t think you’re crazy.” I continued and offered him my best guilt free smile. “I am very grateful to you, though, Malcolm. You saved my life.”

  It took a second, and I watched his flushed face go through so many different emotions, I couldn’t keep track. Finally a smile slowly grew.

  “You're very welcome Riana,but I know you would have done the same for me.” he shrugged, then coughed to clear his throat and his gaze locked with mine. “Do you still want to come with me to my village?” he asked.

  I was beaming. It seems all had been forgiven, and I hoped… forgotten.

  “Yes I do.”

  “Good. Let's go. We need to get moving before i
t gets dark.” He reached out a hand and helped me to my feet. I still felt a little weak, so Malcolm let me wrap my arm around his shoulders and lean on him for support.

  “Are you alright?” he asked.

  His body was warm and solid against mine. His arm fim and safely tucked around me, and the smell of his sweat were doing strange things to my head.

  “Yes,” I breathed. As I gazed back at him, that same strange look crossed his features before he once against controlled his expression.

  I wonder why he looks at me that way?

  But it didn’t really matter, because we were moving now. Headed deeper into the forest.

  I had been walking beside Malcolm for the last hour. He was still leading me down the same path through the woods. His eyes kept glancing over at me to make sure I was still there. Or that I wasn't going to keel over and die on him. Whenever his eyes made contact with mine it sent shivers down my spine.

  "So who created you?" he asked glancing over at me again. I knew his attempt at conversation was just a way to ease the awkward closeness. I really wanted to avoid all questions concerning me personally, but that can make it difficult to foster trust, so I chose to keep things simple. Honesty without any details.

  "My father," I answered simply.

  "Uh huh," he murmured. “You've said that already. What's your father's name?"

  "Father of course." I giggled. “What a strange question.”

  “Well most human fathers have names other than father.”

  “Really?” I asked a little amazed. “Well my father doesn't have another name besides father. At least, not one he's told me.”

  And that’s the truth.

  "Ok well.." he trailed off. Pausing to help me over a fallen log. His hand was strong and warm and it made my stomach tingle.

  Why do I have such a strange feeling with him?

  "So how did he make you?" Malcolm inquired next.

  "The same way he made everything else I'd imagine, but I don't know because he didn't tell me. Why? Does it matter?"