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- Serenity Williams
Earth Bound
Earth Bound Read online
Chapter One
Really Living
I was floating in a vast sea of nothingness. My soul was flowing pure energy as immense as the universe that contained it. I'm not sure how long I stayed that way. Suspended, drifting through eternity. Then, one day, my energy began to condense. It swirled into itself tighter and tighter, becoming more solid. My bones began to form from my feet to my skull. Then my organs formed. Brian first, then heart, stomach, and so on. My muscles, ligaments and tendons formed after that. Then everything was covered in a smooth layer of blue skin. Long flowing hair sprouted from the top of my head in thick dark waves. Shapely and trim nails grew from the beds of my fingers and toes and thick lashes extended out from my eyelids. I was whole.
Then it was like someone turned the electricity on inside my brain. My mind exploded in a stream of random images. At first all there was was black. A giant bang created a shock wave as the universe exploded throughout the dark void. Billions of tiny stars spread out with the eruption. Then I saw flashes of different images from billions of different planets being formed from the vast energy as life invaded the universe. I realized these were thoughts and memories when I watched myself be created.
That was the last memory I received before my nerve endings came alive and my chest rose and fell with my firsts breaths.
I'm alive! I marvelled. Really alive!
"Open your eyes daughter," the voice that woke me was soothing and familiar. The tone was deep, rich and rumbling. Like the crackling of a fire on a cold winter's evening. It sounded like home. And even though I had never heard it before, I knew who it was.
I blinked and opened my newly created eyes. AT first all I saw was darkness and stars. The stars were so bright, I had to squint until my eyes could adjust. Slowly I floated to an upright position. I recognized from the memories that my body was suspended in the vast darkness that is the universe. But all the stars and planets were so tiny and floated around me in clusters. Some of the clusters floated around my head, others floated about chest level and some hovered just around my ankles. My body looked huge in comparison to these tiny little speres. Like I was floating around a bunch of balls in a giant dark room.
But where is he? I looked slowly around searching for the man who had spoken. My gaze landed on a group of stars in the shape of a lion. The Leo.. I somehow knew. As I watched those stars suddenly exploded into a million tiny glowing dots of color. The dots of lights began to dance and swirl. They swirled around and around until they solidified into a giant solid lion. His starry body transformed into real muscle and sinew. Thick gold fur coated his body. A thick red mane cascaded around his face like a hood. His big golden eyes gazed steadily into mine with such love and understanding that my heart swelled with it and I knew who he was.
"Hello father," I whispered running my hand through his thick red mane. He nuzzled into me, a lions hug. After a moment he pulled back and nodded his head to the right. I followed his gaze towards a swirling cloud of stars.
"Do you know why I created you?" he asked as he began walking through space in the direction he’d indicated. He watched each step he took very carefully. His giant paws avoided the planets around us with the ease and grace of someone who’s done it over a thousand times.
"No father," I answered as I followed after him, still a little wobbly on my new legs.
“Careful Raina,” father rumbled and I quickly stepped to the right. I almost tripped and he had to steady me with his side.
“Oops,” I gasped lightly. I had nearly bumped into Saturn's rings.
"You're a guardian spirit,” he explained as we continued on. “Your soul is tied to the earth." He strolled through the milky way until he came to a small nine planet solar system and a little blue planet. White puffs floated along it's surface and an even smaller blue stone floated around it, stuck in its gravitational pull.
"This is earth?" I asked. "It's so small..." With a slow deep breath, to steady myself, I reached down and very gently scooped it into my hands. It floated within my palms as I lifted it to eye level.
"She is small, but powerful,” Father said with a proud smile. “ I have big plans for this one. And I need someone powerful to keep watch over it for me." His eyes shot straight through me.
"M-m-me?” I gasped. The blood drained from my face. My palms broke out in a sweat. “ I'm not powerful. I-I'm weak father. I can't watch over and protect one of your planets. You worked so hard on them..."
"I know you'll do just fine," father soothed.
"But father you just created me.” I stammered pleading up at him. “ I don’t think I'm ready for that kind of responsibility. Don't you think I need time to learn-"
"You have my memories and a direct line to me whenever you want it. Anything you need to learn you can ask as you go. I created you for this Raina. You're an Interdimensional Drifter and a spirit guardian for a reason.”
“I don’t even know what those are.”
“An Interdimensional Drifter is a species of being I’ve created. These beings possess the ability to travel interdimensionally at will. "
“Interdimensionally. That means between different dimensions, right?” I asked. “ What are dimensions, are they like the planets?”
“No, they aren’t planets Raina.” He sighed haggardly. “Dimensions are planes of existence that blanket each other within our universe. There are almost too many dimensions to talk about. It would take years to discuss them all and we don’t have the time for that. I have a schedule to keep. So, for now, well focus on the main three. The three main dimensions are the physical dimension, the spiritual dimension, and the dream dimension known as the Dreamscape. The Dreamscape is a veil world between the other two dimensions. As a Drifter you have the ability to walk through each of these dimensions at will. And being a guardian spirit gives you other powers and abilities that will help you protect her.” He nodded towards the planet in my hands.
"But I don't know what I'm supposed to do father. What do I do with it?” I asked gazing down at the slowly spinning planet in my palms. It's so small and fragile...
"Experience it Rana.,” Father growled softly with his answer. “ Go there. Live in it as it unfolds.” Then he grew thoughtful. ” You know, I never know what my next masterpiece will be until it's finished.” He gently took the earth from me telepathically, controlling its energy with his mind. I grinned as I watched him float it up to eye level so he could see it better.
“This one still has quite a bit of work left on it. But when she's finished, I think she'll be one of my favorites.” Then he smiled softly and floated the earth back down into its solar system. “You should head down there and check it out."
"But what if I mess it up?" My stomach tightened into a hundred little knots.
"Then you'll find a way to fix it."
"But father I-"
"Enough. You got this Raina." The warmth in his gaze turned to steel and I knew he wasn't asking. So I took a deep breath and squared my shoulders.
I can do this. I can do this. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?
“Alright father,” I nodded once. “ I'll go." Father's expression softened and his gold eyes pooled with warmth. A lion's smile softened his face.
“I knew you would do the right thing,” he said and I could hear the pride rumbling in his voice. “I believe in you daughter."
He does? He believes in me? My heart swelled.
"I love you father." My eyes grew moist around the rims. I lifted a finger to wipe it away and a small droplet slid down my cheek before I could catch it. “I'm leaking,” I marveled.
"I love you too Raina,” he answered. “And it’s not called leaking, it’s called crying. You’re crying Raina." his eyes we
re getting misty too so he cleared his throat, which sounded more like a small growl, and turned to look down at the earth. "Do you know how to do this?"
"I have no clue," I said with confidence followed by a giggle. The laughter helped to expel some of my nervous energy.
“Just close your eyes and allow your instincts, I gave you, to guide you.”
So I closed my eyes and took a few slow, deep breaths in and out. In and out. Steady and predictable just like a heartbeat. In and out... In and out... My body began to tingle from head to toe. Like a million little bugs were crawling over my skin. Then suddenly it felt like I was spinning through the space, spinning faster and faster. Until, just as suddenly, everything stopped. Very slowly, I opened my eyes. All at once afraid and excited to see what was out there.
I was standing in a huge grassy field. The sky above me was midnight blue and glittering with billions of tiny stars. Each one, I knew, was a whole new sun surrounded by hundred of other planets swirling in our universe. And, each one a whole new work of art my father had created. To my right towered a huge cherry blossom tree. Its white and pink flowers seemed to glow an ether real light beneath the full moon.
"Magical," I breathed. A gentle breeze blew against my face and ran its cool fingers through my hair. . I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. I could smell the softly sweet scent of the cherry blossoms….
Mmmm...they smell so good! The wind feels so cool and refreshing against my bare skin…it feels like Heaven. I took another deep breath and grinned. It felt so good to be alive. When I opened my eyes again, I threw out my arms and began to dance beneath the stars. Swirling and leaping, gliding and dipping, I allowed myself to break free. My spirit soared towards the stars. It felt like a dream. I switched directions and ran through the field towards the Cherry Blossom tree.
I have to see these up close... My feet crashed through an icy stream and I gasped in shock. "Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold!" I exclaimed jumping back onto the bank. "Wow! That's cold!” I rubbed my feet on the lush grass to dry them. Then I knelt down by the bank to get a closer look. The stream was so clear I could see the pebbles beneath the surface gleaming in the moonlight. I ran my fingers through the frigid liquid and watched the ripples trailing behind them until they blended with the rest of the rushing stream.
“Wow!” I gasped. “So cool!" My eyes had followed the stream all the way to the Blossom tree where the water was flowing from an opening in the tree's trunk. I walked, transfixed, to the tree. Ran my fingers lightly down the trunk. It felt course and rigid against my skin. I could feel every line and crevice, every scar. My gaze followed my fingers as they trailed their way down to the dark hole in it’s center. It was deep and icey cold just like the water rushing out of it. As I gazed closer I noticed the water flowing from the tree was shimmering with a rainbow pastel sheen. Something moved inside the dark hole. Something cold and slimy touched my finger.
I gasped and yanked my finger out. My wide gaze glued to the hole as whatever had just touched my finger began to climb out of the hole. Part of me wanted to run away like a frightened bunny rabbit. The other was too filled with curiosity to do more than stand there frozen staring at the hole.
First a little clawed foot appeared. Then the tiny tip of a scaled nose poked out. Two black beady eyes followed the nose. The little head of a nute popped out to say hi. My breath, that I didn’t know I held, came out in a rush. I smiled down at the nute and held out my index finger. I didn’t touch him. Instead, I placed my finger just below his nose and allowed him to sniff me. It’s tongue darted out to flicker over my skin. Then I watched in fascination as the little newt crawled out of the hole and onto the back of my hand. It’s body was cold and smooth. A layer of slime coated it’s skin. It sent a strange sensation through my arm as it started sliding it’s way up to my shoulder.
That feels so cool!
A weird squirming sound drew my attention back to the hole in the tree. At least ten newts slithered out to swarm over the tree and disappear into the branches.
“This tree is insane!”
"That tree is the tree of life." I could hear my father's voice ringing in my ears. "I just created it today. Watch what it can do."
My eyes followed the stream as it cut it's own path across the field. Everywhere the water touched, fresh life grew. Vibrant wildflowers suddenly shot up to full bloom. Hundreds of them sprouted up starting from the stream and expanding outward until the entire field was covered with them. But the stream didn't stop, it continued to flow and branch out into other streams that became rivers and flowed into oceans. Forests sprouted, bushes erupted from the grass, vegetables sprouted wildly out of the ground and fruit budded on some of the trees. So many different kinds. All breathtakingly beautiful.
"I had to find something to kick start her growth. After I wiped out the dinosaurs, she needed a little time to recoup. I’ve already waited a few thousand years. But I have a schedule to keep and my plans can't wait."
"What are your plans father?" I whispered to the night wind knowing he could still hear me. I gently grabbed the newt from off my shoulder and placed it back on the tree.
"You'll see. For now, get acquainted with the different life forms I've created on this planet. I think you'll find them interesting."
I nodded. Then turned my attention back on the world around me.
Where should I go? Which way?
I decided to pick a river to fallow and headed off to the west into an evergreen forest. The evergreen trees rose high against the night like hundreds of little spikes that kept the sky pinned above us so it didn’t come crashing down. The tops of the trees gleamed silver in the moonlight. But the interior of the forest looked dark from the outside, like no light could penetrate it. I felt a small chill run up my spine and my heart rate accelerated as I drew closer.
What’s inside the darkness…
Chapter Two
I wrapped my arms around me to ward off the sudden chill I felt as I paused at the entrance to the forest. But it didn’t do any good.
That’s because your not cold. You’re scared Raina. Came my father’s voice again.
Scared? Scared of what? What would I be scared of? I forced a chuckle.
The Dark maybe?
I'm not afraid of the dark. I argued. That’s ridiculous.
Then go inside…
Fine. I will. I am. So I squared my shoulders and walked inside.
The trees cast dark shadows on the forest floor. But because the light from the full moon and the starlit sky actually did break through in patches, parts of the forest glowed an enchanting blue. NIght flowers along the forest floor caught the moonlight and reflected it back creating glowing neon petals that lit up the dark even more. It turned the entire forest into a wonderland. My heart beat slowed, my body felt weightless, and my feet seemed to float off the ground as I walked through the underbrush. And as I moved, I could feel the power emanating from the plants and little animals around me. I could sense the squirrels in the trees snuggling their babies. The racoon in the bushes to my right was foraging berries. I could even feel the bugs crawling around in the dirt underneath my feet. I could feel the pulsing hearts of the trees and how far the full extent of their roots penetrated the earth. It was then I realized why father had chosen me as earth’s spirit guardian.
I am Earth. We're connected. Aren’t we?
Yes. You are created from the earth. Your souls are one.
That's when I heard it. A soft crunch. I froze, all sixes senses tuning in...
Can you feel him? Father asked.
Yes. I could feel him...Strong sinewy muscles... strong thundering heart...
A great white stag was entering the clearing up ahead. He moved with such grace and majesty that I couldn't take my eyes off him. I held my breath, afraid the slightest sound would spook him. I took slow, silent steps in his direction.
What are you doing Raina? Father’s tone held a warning.
want to pet him.
I don’t think that’s a very good idea…
I’ll be ok. He should be able to sense I'm not going to hurt him... I held my hands held up in a soothing gesture. Our eyes met and held. The stag saw me approaching s and he wasn’t afraid.
From out of nowhere a black blur suddenly pounced from the thicket and sunk claws and teeth into the stag. I jumped back, horrified. The stag let out a horrible gurgling cry. Feral growls emanated from the beasts mouth. It's yellow cat eyes bore into mine as it brought the stag to the ground. Blood ran from the stags wounds, a gruesome contrast to it’s pure white fur. The stag twitched beneath the beast once, twice, three times. When the stag lay motionless the beast stood proudly and gazed at me.
Black panther. Beautiful, sleek and deadly. Be careful Raina.
I stood still and, very slowly, the panther stalked closer to me. Its muscles rippled beneath it's glassy black fur. Blood, that gleamed black in the moonlight, dripped from its fangs. It's yellow eyes held mine. My heart rate beat another frantic beat inside my chest and I didn't dare breathe.
I will not hurt you Raina. I could hear her voice inside my head. Telecommunication. Isn't it great? Asked the panther in my head.
My gaze moved from the stag to the panther. I focused my energy towards the stag, seeking for any signs of life, but all I could feel was an echo of his energy.
His soul isn't here anymore. It went to the spirit dimension. But you already knew that, didn't you, Drifter? The panther strolled in a circle around me, sizing me up. She seemed to be smirking.
Is she right?
Yes. Father answered.
Then the panther paused right in front of me. Her head nodded in the stags direction. Sorry you had to see that but a girls gotta eat, right? Not that I don't love the hunt, but I only kill for food. So you don't have to worry... Tonight anyway.
"That's good to know," I gulped. Still uncomfortable, that hadn’t done a thing to alleviate my fears.
Should I trust her.